The making of a right decision

Often in life, I have found myself at crossroads, with either path looking as bright or bleak as the other. How do you decide what is right, when there is no correct answer? Life has a brilliant way of putting you in such spots.

There have been so many occasions where I have spent hours going back and forth on choices. So much that the conundrum drove me nuts to the point that I wished I didn’t have a choice. Okay, well, Not really so!

Should I choose to take science or commerce? MBA or CA? Should I work a few years before MBA or should I take that college admission I got through without even expecting to? Each moment of the decision would have impacted the rest of the steps in my life.

Did I take the right one? The honest answer, no one knows. I am usually one never to regret my decisions in life, for I think I would not be where I am if not for all the experiences that happened in life till date. But what I have realized along the journey of figuring out these decisions is this

“There is no right or wrong answer. You take a decision and make it right.”

First things first, you need to get out of your head. These dilemmas have a way of going round and round in your head, clouding your judgment, and no decision can be made without clearing that a little bit.

Secondly, overthinking leads to inaction. When you are muddled up in the head, you abstain from any effort or action, and this abstinence leads to more pressure of making the right choice. So, stop thinking and act. It can be anything handy and within your reach. It does not have to be the action achieving the goal. It could be baby steps. But act you must.

As you begin to act, learn to let go gradually and to go with the flow. Many a time, we may not be mindful of the choices we need to take at a conscious level. But subconsciously we may be steering ourselves towards a clear direction.

So the next time you find yourself at a crossroad, take that choice that feels right by you confidently and with an open heart. You may be surprised at where it could lead you. As Steve Jobs rightly said,

“You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you only connect them looking backward. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

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