Find Your Calling - Naveen Samala


Naveen Samala

What do you currently do as compared to your previous professional avatars?

I am a business transformation expert, productivity expert, podcaster, teacher and career coach on a mission to make a difference in the careers and lives of millions across the globe

On a scale of 0(meh!) to 10 (Looooove it), how much do you love it?


How and when did you know your previous avatar was not right for you?

I evolved as a human, its not that I didn’t like previous roles…I have been doing stuff from the beginning but improving continuously

What are the highlights of your journey when you took the leap?

Way back in 2011 I was rejected for an internal position, and also in 2015 – those two incidents changed my perspective on life and career. I became resilient, learned what needs to improve, became better at things, and grew myself. Simply put, I evolved and still evolving

What was the biggest obstacle you faced during the transition? What helped you navigate that obstacle?

My father’s death during my engineering days is the biggest obstacle, my mom and siblings gave strength to navigate the toughest moments in our life

What would you do differently if you had to start over again?

Stop thinking that things will be taken care automatically rather focus on actions

Where can readers get in touch with you?

Would you like more personalized support in your transformation journey? Reach out to me to be coached 1:1 and let’s create your life by design together. 

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