Do you even need a Digital Detox?

Here’s a quick quiz to identify if you need some time off-screens. 

  • Do you feel pressurized to remain accessible online 24*7?
  • Do you experience FOMO or anxiety when you’re not near your phone?
  • Do you find yourself compelled to check your phone every few minutes?
  • Do you feel like time passes away when you start browsing & forget what you were initially looking for?

Digital Detox: An antidote to have a better relationship with Technology

Today, our world revolves around the internet. Our entire day requires juggling multiple devices and a zillion app notifications, spreading our attention thin. But we don’t have to be slaves to the technology. 

If we learn to master our attention, we can have a better relationship with technology. We can leverage the efficiency of the latest advancements without being addicted to the screens


Take the first step!
Download our copy of the Ultimate Guide to Digital Detox to find your balance in the internet era.

Running an online business without being online all the time

There was a time when I was online all the time – supposedly for work. That left me drained, exhausted, and disconnected with my thoughts, emotions, or self all the time. 

I decided to change my relationship with Technology.

I started small with just taking one hour to myself every morning without the internet. I then added a no phones an hour before bed routine to it. Slowly I went on to keeping my phone away during work hours when I needed utmost concentration. 

Once the artificial pressure of FOMO is off the table, it is very easy to disconnect and reconnect with self and priorities that matter.

“While our smart devices offer us an easy way to find anything in the world, they can also be a distraction from the things that can’t be found with a Google search.”
― Wendy Speake

Reduce screen time and get more done!
Download to receive tried and tested Digital Detox strategies to take back control of your TIME.

Would you like more personalized support in your transformation journey? Reach out to me to be coached 1:1 and let’s create your life by design together. 

Download the Ultimate Guide to Digital Detox here!

Experiment with the step-by-step Digital Detox strategies elaborated and disconnect frequently to connect with your inner self. Stay in control of your thoughts and behavior and constructively use your time to create the life of your dreams.


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Disconnect to Reconnect

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