Ep 71 – Stop waiting for SOMEDAY!

Are you waiting for someday to arrive where you finally have all the time in the world to live your dream life? Someday when the sun rises from the west, someday when I’m done with this project or Someday when my kids are off to school/college. We keep postponing our life today to live it right on some future arbitrary date – who’s arrival we can never be sure of. But what if I said you can create your life consciously, and start living that life everyday starting today? If you’re postponing living your dream life for some day, then this is for you.

Hi, you’re listening to Own your every day in the Being Meraklis Podcast, and I’m your host and self-awareness coach Shwetha Sivaraman. Today, we will talk about why we must stop waiting for someday to show up for self-transformation.

I converse with a lot of people day in and day out, people curious about coaching, people asking me how I get so much done in a day, people asking me where I find the motivation, people asking me how I dared to make so many changes in my life and they all have some things in common. One, they are unhappy and self-aware enough to feel its discomfort acutely, they’re depressed, they feel trapped, they find no way out. Two, they never have the time to take action to make real change happen in their lives. It’s always one thing or another. Work? Birthdays? Anniversaries? Planned vacations? I’ll come back and see what I can do about this situation. Someday I’ll start applying for new jobs. Someday I’ll start learning that skill which I’d like to monetize. Someday I’ll work on myself. There will never be an empty calendar shining and calling out to you to say now is the time to make shifts and work on your personal goals. It just doesn’t work like that.

Instead, ask yourself, do I really not have the time? Or is this not a priority?

If it’s not a priority, it’s completely okay; find acceptance towards your current situation and flow with it peacefully. But don’t keep resisting your reality without doing anything about it and continue being unhappy. That’s not living? That’s a tragedy.

If you know something is a priority, and something needs to change but still don’t do it – it is a tragedy, right?

Stop waiting for that someday to come and start working towards your dream life right now! One of the many reasons we at Being Meraklis formed the Tribe our memberships is to keep the work ongoing. You see, intentional living is not a one-time activity, and we need to continuously work on ourselves to level up and keep growing. With a space exclusively focused on personal growth, our members don’t wait for the right time to work on themselves. Rather, they are constantly working on deepening awareness, knowing what works and doesn’t work for them, and are ready when the right opportunity presents itself.

The old saying time and tide wait for none cannot be more accurate. If you’re sitting around waiting for someday to make your life more balanced, fulfilling, and meaningful, you are deluding yourself. No one has control over what comes tomorrow, all we have is this present moment, and anything you need to do needs to happen here and now.

So how can you create your life consciously and intentionally?

Do a life audit, look at all aspects of your life today and see what’s not working. Which aspect is draining your energy and needs to be corrected.

Reflect regularly. Instead of keeping yourself busy all the time, take time out of your schedule to simply reflect on all areas of your life and introspect on what needs improvement. Weekly practice will be great but start with monthly if that’s too much of an ask. Reflect on how the last 30 days have been across work, relationships, career, self, learning, finances. Rate them on a scale of 1 to 5 and review areas that aren’t rated high. Visualize the ideal case scenario in that aspect of your life, if your finances are 1, how much money in your bank account will make it an ideal 5 for you. Then ask yourself what’s the next step you can take towards moving to the desired state to improve those aspects in your life, and take action now.

So here’s your own your everyday tip for the week, don’t postpone living to a future date. If you’re unhappy or in discomfort today, start taking action now and make shifts happen. Don’t wait for someday to make your dreams come true. It literally is now or never.

If you’re curious to know more about how you can take control and create your future, I’m conducting a session on the 9th that will be a 60-minute live workshop where we will do this self-reflection together step by step and set you up with an action plan for the upcoming months. DM me at @beingmeraklis on Instagram if you’re interested in joining the workshop.

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