All you need to know about coaching

All you need to know about coaching

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a process of ‘seeing’ clearly – That’s how I’d summarise it. It’s a process of disentangling thoughts, processing emotions, and decoding actions to help clarify what we want next in our lives and explore the most efficient path towards those goals. Unlike mentoring or counseling, coaching conversations evoke awareness in a client to find answers within rather than provide solutions directly.

Coaching is a beautiful partnership that collaborates with clients to set them up for success in whatever area they are seeking to level up.

Who could benefit from a coach?

While the list may be vast, here’s a quick list of who can benefit from working with a coach

  • You find yourself stuck
  • You are unhappy about where you are personally or professionally
  • You struggle with relationships, at home or work
  • You are confused about your goals or way forward
  • You are demotivated and uninspired to work towards your goals
  • You want to be a better team leader or contributor
  • You have trouble being consistent or disciplined in your efforts
  • You are unable to take your business to the next level
  • You are finding yourself in a rut unable to step out
  • You feel a disconnect between what you want to achieve and what you do
  • You are unable to assert yourself and maintain boundaries
  • You lack confidence and undersell yourself
  • You feel overwhelmed all the time
  • You want to change tracks in your life but don’t know where to start
  • You are seeking something more fulfilling but unsure of what it isrt

While the list is endless, the essence is that coaching helps you move forward in life regardless of where you are today. It is action-oriented to empower you to scale the heights you set for yourself.

Curious to explore more, click here to book a 30 minutes free coaching taster to understand how I could be your sounding board in your journey of unlocking your fullest potential.

How coaching helps individuals

The benefits of coaching are vast. From deepening self-awareness to transcending conditioned thinking patterns and actions, coaching is a transformative process. However, here are few common buckets where my clients have seen transformations

1. Finding Clarity – We often know what we don’t want, but what is it that we want is harder to pinpoint or articulate. Coaching is a great way to generate clarity. 

2. Gaining Confidence – Life has a way of knocking us down over the years, but how do we keep our head held high and rise up again and again? Coaching helps unpack the emotional overwhelm surrounding life’s precious lessons so we gain confidence and grow through life’s adversities. 

3. Evolve Behaviours – As adults, we often get set in our ways of thinking and doing. Coaching helps rewire our conditioning to change beliefs and evolve our behaviours so we are not repeating patterns of self-sabotage.

4. Improve Self-Regulation – The ebbs and flows of life spare none. But can we avoid going to extremes and pick ourselves back up faster with every twist and turn? Coaching helps evoke self-awareness to avoid straying too far from our center and makes it easier to find our way back to baseline with every ebb and flow. 

Hear what our previous coaching clients have to say about their experience with Being Meraklis Coaching. 

What coaching is not?

1. Coaching v/s Therapy

The approach for coaching and therapy are very different. Therapy takes you back in time to initiate the healing process to resolve deep-rooted issues that set you up to live life better. Therapy addresses mental health concerns and ailments. In contrast, coaching is futuristic and action-oriented, focusing more on moving forward from wherever you are present. Coaching is effective only when you’re functional in coping with the demands on your time. 

Therapy is more of healing, while coaching is focused on unlocking potential and growth.

You can read this to get a deeper understanding of this difference.

2. Coaching v/s Mentoring

Coaching is a setup, co-created by the coach and the coachee that is consciously designed to meet the specific needs of the coachee. On the other hand, mentoring carries a less co-creative plan as the mentor advises based on his/her experience. 

A mentor is a person who’ll help you out by sharing instances from their life as they’ve already experienced and executed successfully what you are setting out to do. However, a coach is not a subject matter expert and will not advise from their experiences. Instead, coaches work with your perspectives and frame of thinking to orient you towards creating a future you desire. A coach cannot answer your questions directly but will guide you to identify answers for yourself. 

My Coaching Philosophy

I believe that we all have the answers to what we seek right within us. And through coaching I partner with my clients to evoke awareness, generate clarity, develop compassion, and align actions with beliefs for a life where success and peace can co-exist. 

As a coach, I hold space, raise awareness, and unblock what’s holding you back to maximize your inner potential. 

Coaching is governed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I have been trained as per the ICF guidelines. I am an ACC accredited coach and am on my path to becoming a  PCC Certified Coach. 

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