A Women’s Day Walk in Bandra

For those of us who live away from our homes in a different city, there is always a disconnect with the community, no matter how welcoming they are. The suburbs you live in or travel to frequently have a history to them that you are completely unaware of and that always sets the two of you apart. But what if you get the chance to walk by those lanes with those who live and breathe that community; What if you get the chance to meet those faces that make the community what it is, that would truly be something won’t it?

I recently had the privilege of being immersed into the beautiful community of Bandra along with BandraBuggers and Bombaywalla, and it was a delight. Ever since (almost 5 years now) I have moved to Mumbai for work, Bandra has always been a place often visited. Be it for those umpteen visits to Bandstand or to several quaint cafes and joints that leave you wanting for more, I have visited Bandra on multiple occasions. But this walk made me privy to the heroes that make Bandra what it is even today.

We started the walk at the Mount Mary Church, learning the history of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount and the innumerable candle offerings that have now evolved over time. Any wish you want to be fulfilled, be it a holiday, job, success or happiness, you can now get an exact offering to match that and offer it to this lady.

An image of Women in Bandra Mount Mary
Our Lady of the Mount

We then went on to meet 4 super-women who shared their stories of Bandra with us.

Meet Anita the Super-Cop

Do not go by her height, she holds no bars if you mess around with the traffic rules in Bandra. A simple person who manages the traffic menace in Bandra purely because she wants her area to be more civil and manageable. Anyone who has been to Bandra knows that it does not take much for the whole area to get choked up in traffic. I am sure the continuous honking of irate passengers does not make it easy for the residents of Bandra. Instead of sitting around and waiting for the authorities to take action, Anita takes it upon herself to manage the traffic in her area. Unassuming and Fearless, she stops anyone who breaks the rules of traffic be it civilians or state ministers. She simply states “Rules are rules and they have to be followed no matter who you are”. What a nice world we would live in if only, everyone followed that simple statement.

An image of the Women in Bandra - Anita Supercop
Meet Anita – The Super Cop – Unassuming and Fearless

Meet Alice Flanagan

How many of us have invited strangers into our home just because they were passing by? I know my answer. Living with doors rarely ever open, we live in spaces constricted by our own fears and inhibitions. But that is not Alice Flanagan. A popular school teacher, she opened up her doors to us and shared her stories with such enthusiasm that you would think she’s a child who has just discovered the world. They celebrate together with the community every occasion from Women’s Day to Christmases with cake and wine. A Ranwar Catholic by blood, when asked where she would stay if not in Bandra, she profusely refuses with an ardent “No”. She goes on to add that you can never take the Ranwar out of her. She says, “We don’t come from rich families. But we are happy and rich from the heart” pretty much all one can hope for from one’s lives.

An image of one of Women in Bandra - Alice Flanagan
Meet the Vivacious Alice Flanagan

Meet Patricia Nath

A soft-spoken woman passion-driven to keep the spirit of Bandra alive. A consultant by profession, Patricia is one of the founding members of Celebrate Bandra, a festival to rekindle the Bandra spirit. Started in 2005 as a 15-day festival once in two years, the event has evolved with the changing times. With earlier participants being from within the community it is now a platform for talent across India to showcase their uniqueness that is screened by a panel and chosen by the public. All of them on the team including Patricia work pro-bono (Yes, you read that right – Pro-Bono) for this festival alongside their respective personal lives and professional careers. The festival that is now a 9-day annual fest is usually hosted just before Diwali in October – November has these members putting in hours right from April to ensure everything goes right.

An image of Women in Bandra Patricia Nath
Meet Patricia Nath

Meet Annabelle Ferro DeSylva

Anabelle, one of the key persons behind bringing alive BandraBuggers, is one of those exuberant personalities that immediately liven up any room they walk in with just their presence. She brought to life a story from the book also titled BandraBuggers just by reading 4 lines from one of the many stories of Bandra. The reading lasted less than 3 minutes but had everyone in the room opening up their wallets to buy their own copy of that enchanting book. I was one of them for we were all curious to know more.

An image of Women in Bandra - Anabelle Desylva
Meet Annabelle Ferro Desylva – BandraBuggers

As I walked along those familiar bylanes in Bandra that I have walked by several times before after meeting these wonderful women, every footstep echoed with a new sense. These enchanting and welcoming women of Bandra in such a brief period of time, somehow just made me feel one with that community. Truly grateful to BandraBuggers and Bombaywalla to give this Chennaite in Bombay an opportunity to listen to these stories.

3 thoughts on “A Women’s Day Walk in Bandra”

  1. This is such a unique story! Love the way you have narrated the stories of these lovely women who live in Bandra.

    1. Hey, Renuka!

      Thank you so much. It was amazing meeting and interacting with these amazing women 🙂 So inspiring

  2. I read this aloud. I loved it. This worked as therapeutic for me.
    Thankyou so much for sketching their lives in your beautiful words.

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